• 種子 - 心/Seed-Heart
    Statement of Creative Concept
    In my sculptural work, nature plays an important role. Just like a wise old master, it teaches us by relentlessly repeating us its forever valid messages. I believe that human beings have a tendency to replace the nature friendly truth of everyday reality built on an age old inherent intuition, with a well-crafted, rational, but virtual world that very slowly, almost unnoticed it tends to become our only accepted reality.
    For the biennale, my work was carved from wood that has been covered with pine cone scales all over its surface. In this work through the metamorphose of a natural form or element I’m trying to formulate a duality, in which a natural element and an important sign of the human symbolic system, more precisely the heart shape, are merged together into a hybrid that can awaken in us the capability to ask questions regarding ancient truths and wisdom, like the ones regarding the grandeur of nature or the wonderful metamorphose of mater into spirit.
    In nature this metamorphosis happens through the eternal cycle of life with its two cardinal but transitory points that are birth and death.
    The main message coded in this work is, or could be the proof of faith in a positive and prolific future for all mankind.